How many of you had already noticed the banner Front Row Society on my blog? Yes, it’s a brand new and exciting project!! It’s a fashion platform operating under a new design house concept: Fashion democracy. With this new concept FRS is giving talented designers from all backgrounds the opportunity to showcase their work and the platform they need to promote and to produce their designs. You only have 100 units per product, so it’s ultra collectable and exceptional! FRS send me this Berlin Bag!! (ohhh Berlin!!) I will tell you more about this soon!! In the meantime you can check Front Row Society HERE and HERE on their Facebook Page. Huge kiss and Mr. Rain….please stop! : )
A Front Row Society é uma plataforma de lançamento. Independentemente das suas origens, a FRS dá a oportunidade a novos designers de mostrar o seu talento e de promover o seu trabalho e produtos e produzir os seus projectos! A Front Row Society enviou-me esta mala maravilhosa sobre a cidade de Berlim que eu TANTO amei!! Para saberem mais da marca vão ao site ou ao seu facebook e entretanto ainda vos trago mais news!! : ) beijos e vamos rezar para a chuva parar!! *
Front Row Society Berlin Impressions Handbag + Zara Jumper aw12