After my online shopping post, had to show you some of my latest purchases/gifts acquired right here in Lisbon x

Depois do post sobre as minhas últimas compras online, tinha também de partilhar as últimas compras (e presentes) adquiridos aqui mesmo em Lisboa, à excepção do Catálogo da Topshop que veio com as calças do último post, assim como uma canvas bag linda (!!) que mostrarei depois. A Topshop a mimar as suas clientes assíduas: Very well done!! Bloody amazing, many thanks sirs!  x

AmberHella @ Time Out Lisbon Mag / H&M and TOPSHOP Catalogs / Change Shorts
Poise Leather Bracelets / My father’s gift! He found his first camera, a Kodak pocket Instamatic 300

Chanel Poudre Universelle Libre the perfect finish! Bought at Sephora

L’Oréal Vitamino Color to make my hair luminous, not very expensive for the quality!

A very long Vintage dress that I made a readjustment and is now super lolita

Started (again) my hunt for the coolest vintage brooches