Haloa! Did you miss me? 🙂 I have tones of pictures to select from Manchester, Liverpool and Zurich! But before everything, my ♥ purchases in the UK before I storage them and forget to shoot it!! =) Went crazy on Urban Outfitters * I’ll come back tomorrow with Manchester’s Greatness. Time to check your blogs

Urban Outfitters Jewellery and Levi’s shorts @ Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitters Bug Shirt, Skirt, tribal Leggings and Bag

Urban Outfitters Tees and Underground Creepers @ Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitters Dress and Navajo Cardigan

River Island Feathers Headband and Topshop Skulls Necklace & Bow Headbands

Topshop Suede Wedges and Oh Hell canvas bag and T-shirt

American Apparel Bras, Chiffon Skirt,Mint shorts, Belt and Shirt

American Apparel Dusty Pink Jacket and ♥ Soap&Glory Products @ Boots

What’s your fav? The majority is available online